
Up to sex offenders committing crimes in the history of the United Kingdom,http://www.onwlan.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=38409, "the man" for 13 years GHB 500 female passengers

:: Newspaper correspondent Zhang Zhu Li

March 14, the British "Times", "The Guardian" and other media reported a shocking case to make the UK: 13 years, London, "the man", 51-year-old Worboys, with mixed sedatives Wine seizure female passenger, police estimated the victims could exceed 500 people, Worboys may be the most sex offenders commit crimes in British history. March 13, the court ruled that Worboys guilty.

The court will be sentenced on April 21, Worboys could be sentenced to life imprisonment.

London's black cabs has been called the "London business card." However, for the British people, they may be more concerned about the negligence of the police in London, the British law offenders excessive tolerance, and female passengers in the taxi how to ensure its own security.

1. Terror "black cabs"

London taxi service in the world enjoys the reputation, its mostly black taxi is called "London's business card." London taxi, look a bit like the middle of the last century, "classic cars", color mainly black models spacious, elegant, people with disabilities have special features to facilitate wheelchair ride. Drivers between the cab and the rear seat passengers are separated by plexiglass,Hogan rebel outlet, a car can take up to 6 people.

To become a London taxi driver, is not only a driver's license, but also have the knowledge - on London's streets, monuments well known, in the shortest distance to the destination of the guests. In order to pass the "knowledge test" and all the taxi drivers who apply must attend rigorous training organized by Transport for London,chaussures louboutin pas cher, the subjects need to pass all examinations in 2023. London taxi drivers as well as a task: the shuttle foreign guests, guided tour, also offering instructors. In the process of driving a taxi, the driver will explain what to passengers here is what there is. Therefore, the London "black cab" drivers become Londoners and foreign tourists, "the most trusted man."

51-year-old Worboys opened in London "black cab" for 13 years, and have to work every night. However, the real role played by his night was not a taxi driver, but the rapist!

Worboys much the same way for each crime: first track women, his "prey" are mostly upscale pub in London drinking single woman, single women, especially drunk. Once targeted, he would by "black taxi" give passengers a sense of security with these women struck up a conversation with "Tony," the pseudonym claiming to gamble to win thousands of pounds, showed them a bag of money, and expressed willingness to give them the car fee discounts, and invited them to drink champagne or vodka for him to celebrate. He put the wine in advance of the sedatives, the female passenger lost consciousness, Worboys went to the back seat of their sexual abuse, sometimes even to the female passengers home to commit the crime. Relying on these means, at the most, Worboys start in one night to three female passengers.

According to British newspaper "Independent" on March 14 reported that most of the victims between the ages of 18 to 33 years old, has a good career mostly women, such as lawyers, reporters,hogan, hedge fund managers. These women have a certain sense of self-protection, often only after drinking safe and reliable choice "black taxi" did not expect to encounter Worboys the big predators.

19-year-old female college student in London Carrie? is one of the youngest victims. The brave woman to testify that she drank a glass of vodka to drink Worboys, feel tired, dizzy,chaussures louboutin soldes, uncomfortable not want to talk. Take the occasion of her trance, Worboys manipulation ...... Se Mengsi since she did not dare to take the "black cab." Craigie said 32-year-old night of the incident,http://www.zhowa.com/read.php?tid=649548&ds=1, her taxi ride Worboys, the home should be half an hour, it took two hours. Way, Worboys excuse to stop the car on the toilet, and then went back seat close to her, she immediately shouted, Worboys dared not continue to commit crimes.

However,hogan outlet online, most of the victims in order to avoid embarrassment and not go to the police, but also the courage to stand up and testify Worboys. Police estimated that the victim may be more than 500 people.

2,Hogan interactive outlet. Garage hidden "seizure memo"

After the incident, London police found a home in Worboys pieces of exhibits,http://www.mycoolboy.com/home.php?mod=spacecp&ac=blog&blogid=, including his possession of GHB in the cab of a variety of appliances, as well as his prior acquittal drafted, said he is anti-sexual assault victims those excuses. All this shows that he was committing the crime is deliberate.

According to "The Times" reported on March 14, Worboys's seizure appliances with plastic wrap, including several boxes of wine, whiskey, vodka and a small bottle of champagne, as well as glass, sedatives, a box of condoms, maps, gloves, flashlights, etc.. After the last time he commit the crime, the police found in his bedroom just a few cups, there are parts of the victim's DNA on it. Room there is a large bag of money, he was to prove himself to win money betting on horse races.

More importantly, the police found in his garage, two laptops, one of the record of how he would deal with the police in 2007, a student was interrogated him for sexual assault, in which an article wrote: " If I were sexually assaulted her, my DNA would remain at the scene, it could be argued that she violated me. "wrote another one, blowing his chest to the victims, to make her" feel cool ", accidentally blowing a little saliva on her, so the victim has its own DNA.

If the police ask why the victims mouth has his DNA? He could excuse: because of his handsome looks, so was the other "sexual harassment." Furthermore, he told police he was a "shy person" does not like women "kissing" themselves.

Worboys even consulted a physician use and effect of sedatives. He wrote in his notebook: "Ask the pharmacist if you mix alcohol and sedatives, what effect will the effect last long if you want to wait clothes sedatives before sleep???"

Today, these have become irrefutable evidence Worboys crime.

3,nike tn pas cher chine. Wife wanted him "rot in hell" in

British "The Independent" on March 14 on the Worboys conducted a thorough investigation and found that he was a very eccentric character, will be implemented in different capacities sexual fantasies of "metamorphosis."

Worboys young mother, abandoned by his father, he wrote to a friend last year Shihai this to heart. After graduating from high school, he played too many odd jobs, including milkman and security, and later began to participate in the production of three films and performances, from the age of 30 to perform striptease for a living. Because his voice was female, repeated teasing the audience,https://www.jnjvisioncare.co.uk/index.php?item/create_form/1,hogan, so I decided diverted taxi.

In 1991, Worboys and Marriott married living with her ex-husband were born three children. 51-year-old Marriott said she was Worboys has been abused, even worse, Worboys also start to her daughter, her daughter was 12 years old Worboys sexual harassment. Marriott's son was very unhappy with the Worboys had big fights many times. Today, Marriott know Worboys's crimes,http://www.baodiyou.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=5787, I hope he "rot in hell" in.

4. Why rapist rampant impunity for years

British "The Independent", "The Guardian" and "The Times" and other media reports that Worboys why the crime is still at large for many years,escarpins louboutin, has a great relationship with the London police negligence.

Worboys was in 2007 on suspicion of sexually assaulting a student was arrested, but the police failed to investigate further and let him on bail,air max tn requin, his bail has violated more than 30 female passengers. There are victims report that they suffer Worboys of sexual assault, but the police have said, "black taxi" very safe, finds a report by "lying", call them "Go away."

British Independent Police Complaints Commission said that the police can make these women from the murderous,chaussure louboutin femme, but weak enforcement led to the suspect at large. According to the investigation of this committee, Worboys was in July 2007 accused of sexual abuse,hogan outlet, but police believe the lack of evidence. Subsequently, the report said there are 85 women to the police by a taxi driver sexually assaulted. However, some victims are not sure whether they have been infringed, which allow the police to not start.

Another reason Worboys so bold crime, the British law on criminal punishment is too light. According to the BBC, the British judicial system has been criticized, statistics show that for every 20 cases, only about one case the suspects were indicted; even if they are brought to court,http://bikedeals.speedycheetah.com/threads/wgbyw1lg99.321390/, jail criminals the chance is very low.

Record annual survey released by the British government in 2006 to punish the crime show that more and more criminals being only a verbal reprimand, warning and other minor penalties. Police cracked 1,475,000 in criminal cases, only about 47% of the suspects are prosecuted or court summons; was verbally reprimanded and other penalties for offenders, about 35 million people.

Critics say these data revealed the British government "judicial weakness," most criminals to go unpunished. Critics argue that since the Labour government came to power, has taken various measures to punish criminals,http://www.s8c.org/forum/activity, to shorten the processing time of the case, which led to most of the criminals punished only by minor reasons. In addition, the British police bear the pressure detection target set by the government, so no longer willing to suspects brought to court because of time-consuming litigation, the cost is too high.

Worboys was arrested in February last year, after which there are 75 female police suspect that they have been sexually assaulted him. March 13, the court ruled that Worboys guilty.

To hear the verdict, Worboys break out crying and argued that he lost his mother at an early age, so very eager to get women's care:. "I think this is a good way to win the women concerned that they would be willing to follow me to ask I drank a glass of champagne or wine,http://www.mona77.com/bbs/home.php?mod=space&uid=41803, to celebrate my win money It's like a good joke - .. just to win their attention. "

The court will be sentenced on April 21, Worboys could be sentenced to life imprisonment.